Family History Records is essentially a list of surnames of the ancestors of Kevin and Jane Subra. If you find that you have a connection, let us know, and we'll link up!

This site was set up so that we didn't have to reserve a domain name for every surname. It's much easier and much less expensive to just add a name at the front of the Family History Records domain. It makes it easier to have a site set apart for each name, but still have a main site to go to in order to find these sites.

To submit information that may link us together, please e-mail it with a short description to:

Family Surnames...

  • Billerey
  • Brennand
  • Dennis
  • Drury
  • Garfield
  • Kincaid
  • Klingensmith
  • Kozial
  • Marshall
  • McCulloch
  • Neubauer
  • Norris
  • Orr
  • Pines
  • Porter
  • Schake
  • Steele
  • Subra
  • Vorce
  • Wright
  • Yarwood